Orion Area Youth Assistance
CERC Building Room 8
455 East Scripps Rd.
Lake Orion, MI 48360
Phone: (248) 693-6878
Fax: (248) 693-1494
Resources for food
Woodside Bible Church Food Pantry https://my.woodsidebible.org/portal/event_detail.aspx?id=248314&filter=month:9%7Cyear:2021%7Ccampus:0%7Cministry:0%7Clistview:0%7Cfeaturedevents:0
Village Food Pantry is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 am-2:30 pm for food pick up. No registration is needed
Free Community Meals https://www.lakeorionumc.org/community-meals.html
Monday 5:30-6:30 Lake Orion United Methodist Church 140 E Flint Street, Lake Orion
Tuesday 5:30-6:30 Immanuel Congregational Church 1 Hovey Street, Oxford
Wednesday 5:30-6:30 Immanuel Congregational Church 1 Hovey Street, Oxford
Forgotten Harvest https://www.forgottenharvest.org/find-food/
Forgotten Harvest has pick up locations on different days across Metro Detroit. The website allows you to search for a location near you. For example, pick up available on Mondays 9am-12 noon at Woodside Bible Church, 2500 Joslyn Road in Lake Orion.
Orion Oxford area FISH 248.628.3933 https://oxfordorionfish.org/index.html
People who have a need for groceries can call our office at 248.628.3933. Leave a message if our volunteers are not in the office, and they will call you back, address your concern, identify the need, and work toward a solution. You may need emergency food, a client review, to schedule your monthly food pickup, or a referral for additional assistance.
Gleaners Foodbank 248.453.2637 https://www.gcfb.org/
During the COVID 19 pandemic, Gleaners has set up a series of mobile food pick up locations. Go to the website to find a list of dates and locations for contactless food pick up.
Oakland HOPE food pantry 248.309.3658 https://oaklandhope.org/food-pantry
Oakland HOPE has a food pantry available for income qualified families and individuals. Use the website to set up an appointment for food pick up.
Lighthouse of Oakland County 248.920.6000 https://lighthousemi.org/what-we-do/do-you-need-help/
Lighthouse can provide food delivery as well as food box pick ups at specific locations on specific dates. The website provides both an order form for deliveries as well as a list of pick up dates and locations.
State of Michigan food assistance https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_5527---,00.html#:~:text=Food%20Assistance%20Program,and%20manage%20your%20account%20online.
Temporary food assistance for eligible low-income families and individuals is available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Use the link to determine eligibility and to apply.
Free and Reduced Price Meals for School Age Children
Use this website to start the process to qualify for free or reduced price lunch for children during the school year. Note that while all students currently receive free lunch, filling out this form will help your child qualify for other free or reduced priced resources.